These posts are quite different from each other.
In the radioactive mantle of a nameless planet dwelled the kahaldans, who lived in an air bubble in the rock and coated its inner surface with glowing farms of fungi.
We didn't stick around long enough to meet the aliens, but our dogs did.
I read some Jordan Peterson because people were making fun of him and I wanted to know what that was about, and he has a segment about becoming a good cell-mate with your own mind. You're trapped with yourself in your own head; it's in your interest to make that little prison community run smoothly. Be polite. Trade with your neighbors. Crack jokes.
Mitochondrial endosymbiosis was a singular event that happened 2 billion years ago, when a cell of lineage Archaea engulfed a cell of lineage Bacteria, and they together survived this change, broke free of the energetic constraints of prokaryotic existence, and became the ancestor of all complex eukaryotic life.
A list of interesting social events ideas I came up with.
Joseph Tainter’s explanation for why complex societies collapse in one sentence: the collapse of a society is a response to declining marginal returns on investment in complexity.